呵呵,感觉就好像发了一场春梦。。感觉似真似假 。
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
哎~我足足迟了六个月。。。为什么我总是会慢人一步呢?明明如此的努力想去争取,却得来。。 当晚听她和我分享说和她男友的事,我体验到了什么叫心爱的人开心的说而我的心疼得像滴血。 我也和她分享我的故事,但却隐瞒对他的故事和感情。 他安慰我..好矛盾。。。,她说矮的男人也可以拍拖,我还年轻还可以的,加油! 我就是相信矮不是距离不是阻碍。。。但最后有自信爬起来后换来的还是这个原因。 我何曾未努力过,我就是知道还年轻。。。就这样撑了5年多,直到现在还是失败了。
24 VS 19 ,我输了 身高我也输了 时间我也输了 地点我也输了 有一点我赢了。。。我还年轻,我还能等她 不过这点不值得高兴。
和她聊MSN时我说了许多连我也不懂要说的东西,很多不三不四,我傻了。 但是隐瞒了她许多事情,我有罪恶感。 我是很开心不过却不是那种的高兴。。。只是高兴有人关心我和我聊天。 我执著于爱情是因为我想找人陪我,我想和她分享和她聊天。 她不开心我会用我的时间娱乐她,她有烦恼我会绞尽脑汁帮她解决。 就这样简单。
24 VS 19 ,我输了 身高我也输了 时间我也输了 地点我也输了 有一点我赢了。。。我还年轻,我还能等她 不过这点不值得高兴。
和她聊MSN时我说了许多连我也不懂要说的东西,很多不三不四,我傻了。 但是隐瞒了她许多事情,我有罪恶感。 我是很开心不过却不是那种的高兴。。。只是高兴有人关心我和我聊天。 我执著于爱情是因为我想找人陪我,我想和她分享和她聊天。 她不开心我会用我的时间娱乐她,她有烦恼我会绞尽脑汁帮她解决。 就这样简单。
今天5月24日,我一整天都感觉怪怪的。。感觉得出来但是却说不出是什么。。好奇怪。 接近傍晚时,我的手机银幕中间突然多了两条线,不是刮到的而是在里面。。好像快坏了。 到了晚上,我真的想她想得不行了,看到祖盛和永琪玩照片玩到将爽,于是我就开始拿照片改改玩玩。原本我是想改奕健的照片但却没那张。。就拿益康的来改,但是作弄他感觉不好,后来把视线换到永琪身上。改改下已经到晚上10.30了,我姐还是没上线。
到了12.00半夜,我刚打完电话后就看到姐上线了而且还留言在我的档案上。就谈到我的Mrs.Right,我吓了一条。。她说好开心我找到我的Mrs.Right。。过后我问她呢? 她说她已经有了Mr.Right,我听到时顿然傻了几乎不相信。。过后他下线了因为她哥要用电脑,我就用手机和她sms聊天。一聊之下,我才明白了。
我姐有男朋友了,而且已经在一起8个月了,是我姐的初恋。 不是读女校吗?不是很内向不爱说话的吗?怎么突然间就交往了呢。。大约从去年7月开始。 我知道后完全呆了,不相信这是真的。。是骗我的,应该是说我在逃避现实。 我好伤心。。但是哭不出哭了也没眼泪,但是后来竟然傻笑了。。一笑眼泪就掉了,我终于知道什么叫哭笑不得了。 感觉我好像白痴,想追女子约她喝茶也要叫到Jeronn,Andrew和Zeo出来。。好白痴哦! 就只是喝杯茶谈了三小时,和我说说他的一些家事和投诉的事,回家时就整天笑。。神经病啊! 以为上网聊天出来喝茶就有希望了吗?别傻了。。。你是猪啊。。想法天真! 以为sms她就能促进感情多了解吗?傻的!人家懒得回你啦!还嫌你烦呢!迟迟回你算给你面子咯,人家还要sms男朋友的啦。。猪头白痴神经病! 之前还在想怎样再约她出来去玩玩,想东想西。。。想太多啦。。去死啦!废材!! 每天等她上线想找机会和她聊天,都没等到啦,等到半夜才肯跑去睡觉,死变态佬! 这是实现啦,还在那里呆呆傻傻的写着日记,写来搞屁啊!去睡觉啦!写了就有机会吗? 哈哈。。从14岁开始就给我将美好的感情回忆,还各式各样的版本呢。。被讨厌而绝交的啦,感觉像变态佬被避开的啦,被利用的啦还帮她男朋友买衣服的啦,真心做礼物送给她她当时垃圾的啦,礼物随便买给你而且还要我自己选的礼物啦,以为内向害羞就没男朋友的啦。。。。哈哈哈~以后还有很多新的呢?会是什么呢我也不懂,一大堆苦等给你吃啊!死矮仔!想追女子?下世人啦。。。。不要怨父母,怨自己的脚吧,只会老不会高。。。。没用的人!
到了12.00半夜,我刚打完电话后就看到姐上线了而且还留言在我的档案上。就谈到我的Mrs.Right,我吓了一条。。她说好开心我找到我的Mrs.Right。。过后我问她呢? 她说她已经有了Mr.Right,我听到时顿然傻了几乎不相信。。过后他下线了因为她哥要用电脑,我就用手机和她sms聊天。一聊之下,我才明白了。
我姐有男朋友了,而且已经在一起8个月了,是我姐的初恋。 不是读女校吗?不是很内向不爱说话的吗?怎么突然间就交往了呢。。大约从去年7月开始。 我知道后完全呆了,不相信这是真的。。是骗我的,应该是说我在逃避现实。 我好伤心。。但是哭不出哭了也没眼泪,但是后来竟然傻笑了。。一笑眼泪就掉了,我终于知道什么叫哭笑不得了。 感觉我好像白痴,想追女子约她喝茶也要叫到Jeronn,Andrew和Zeo出来。。好白痴哦! 就只是喝杯茶谈了三小时,和我说说他的一些家事和投诉的事,回家时就整天笑。。神经病啊! 以为上网聊天出来喝茶就有希望了吗?别傻了。。。你是猪啊。。想法天真! 以为sms她就能促进感情多了解吗?傻的!人家懒得回你啦!还嫌你烦呢!迟迟回你算给你面子咯,人家还要sms男朋友的啦。。猪头白痴神经病! 之前还在想怎样再约她出来去玩玩,想东想西。。。想太多啦。。去死啦!废材!! 每天等她上线想找机会和她聊天,都没等到啦,等到半夜才肯跑去睡觉,死变态佬! 这是实现啦,还在那里呆呆傻傻的写着日记,写来搞屁啊!去睡觉啦!写了就有机会吗? 哈哈。。从14岁开始就给我将美好的感情回忆,还各式各样的版本呢。。被讨厌而绝交的啦,感觉像变态佬被避开的啦,被利用的啦还帮她男朋友买衣服的啦,真心做礼物送给她她当时垃圾的啦,礼物随便买给你而且还要我自己选的礼物啦,以为内向害羞就没男朋友的啦。。。。哈哈哈~以后还有很多新的呢?会是什么呢我也不懂,一大堆苦等给你吃啊!死矮仔!想追女子?下世人啦。。。。不要怨父母,怨自己的脚吧,只会老不会高。。。。没用的人!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
❤ 想念你❤ 想见你❤
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Just a dating but I feel Happy
Hmm...first time date my jie go out "yam cha", feel very special...
This is my second time go to PJ, but i still confusing that area...because PJ area very large.
So!? I find Jeronn go together, Andrew and Zeo also join us for the journey to PJ...hehe
Mabey next time I have chance to bring her out join out gathering so I must remember the road!
Around 1.30pm, we reach Jalan Templer area the roundabout, finally we found the Hospital Assunta but is the wrong way...WHY!?haha because the road we stay inside road means, the Hospital Assunta is at our right hand side, the place we meet is opposite of the Hospital Assunta.
Once we go to Jalan Othman, we can see the McDonald and Watson...Yeah~! It's the right way.
First I thought we chat at McDonald, but jie yesterday already eat the McD so I choose go to Oldtown ^^, the situation is more suitable to chat and nice environment.
We chat from 2.30pm until 5.00pm, the feel just like last time we chat at midnight, feel no stress, comfortable and happy.
After 5.00pm we need to back, I want to fetch her and know where she live so next time can fetch her to join our gathering mah...happy together lo. Don't know I sense wrong or what, she seems want escape from us quickly= =, mabey she shy la...but I still have fetch her go to home.
Hope next time we meet will be more happy and fun than today...
Because PJ less entertainment, make Andrew,Zeo and Jeronn feel boredom...hehe, next time I treat you all lah , not more than RM50, my budget is around that price ^^
Thank you Andrew, Zeo and Jeronn...you all make my life wonderful ~ XD
This is my second time go to PJ, but i still confusing that area...because PJ area very large.
So!? I find Jeronn go together, Andrew and Zeo also join us for the journey to PJ...hehe
Mabey next time I have chance to bring her out join out gathering so I must remember the road!
Around 1.30pm, we reach Jalan Templer area the roundabout, finally we found the Hospital Assunta but is the wrong way...WHY!?haha because the road we stay inside road means, the Hospital Assunta is at our right hand side, the place we meet is opposite of the Hospital Assunta.
Once we go to Jalan Othman, we can see the McDonald and Watson...Yeah~! It's the right way.
First I thought we chat at McDonald, but jie yesterday already eat the McD so I choose go to Oldtown ^^, the situation is more suitable to chat and nice environment.
We chat from 2.30pm until 5.00pm, the feel just like last time we chat at midnight, feel no stress, comfortable and happy.
After 5.00pm we need to back, I want to fetch her and know where she live so next time can fetch her to join our gathering mah...happy together lo. Don't know I sense wrong or what, she seems want escape from us quickly= =, mabey she shy la...but I still have fetch her go to home.
Hope next time we meet will be more happy and fun than today...
Because PJ less entertainment, make Andrew,Zeo and Jeronn feel boredom...hehe, next time I treat you all lah , not more than RM50, my budget is around that price ^^
Thank you Andrew, Zeo and Jeronn...you all make my life wonderful ~ XD
Saturday, May 8, 2010
今天是什么日子?哈哈!!今天是我的生日聚会,好开心能和朋友们一块去Sunway玩..也非常荣欣地邀请到祖盛的Mrs.Right(王俐宜小姐?)但也非常失望的有几位朋友不能参加 =( SOB~SOB~.
首先我们早上9.30会在LRT站会合,不料突发状况永琪的婆婆生病了,永琪必须帮忙做家务所以会迟少少.我们坐LRT到KelanaJaya下车换巴士U623去到Sunway.约11.30我们到达了!!然后我们赶紧去RedBox唱K~哟呼~但我只能唱到上半场..下半场完全没声了T_T(生病原因), 很高兴我们又一起唱K..真是爽啊!
首先我们早上9.30会在LRT站会合,不料突发状况永琪的婆婆生病了,永琪必须帮忙做家务所以会迟少少.我们坐LRT到KelanaJaya下车换巴士U623去到Sunway.约11.30我们到达了!!然后我们赶紧去RedBox唱K~哟呼~但我只能唱到上半场..下半场完全没声了T_T(生病原因), 很高兴我们又一起唱K..真是爽啊!
8/5/2010 这一天的快乐,我会永远记住的!!谢谢你们~
还有你们送的礼物...我超级爱它~ XD
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Chin Hui Birthday Celebration
Stay at home super boring...finally wait until today have the gathering again. Today i thought the gathering set on around 7.00pm, at 6.00pm i still playing game but after i hear Zeo Ng what he said i just realized i get wrong time...we met on 7.00pm.
No choice have to action now...during the time fetch my friends quite long...wait wait wait=_=, and still in busy hour...many cars make traffic jam. After i reach the Chatz Room meet the Jeronn, I feel i have the mood to talking and long time see my friends feel very exciting. But don't know why i can't sense other friends have the same mood with me...no enthusiasm at all, just Zeo,Andrew and Jeronn...and me very high already.
After take the dinner, we choose to go WangsaWalk for "berlepak-lepak" because no one agree karaoke @_@ mabey there SUX~We choose Bowling....well....no slot for us....choose children playground again=_=....play same thing....Basketball Shooter Machine....158pts...not bad la ^^ break my old record 123 already...
At11.00pm all have already go home, hmm......i feel the time we together was very short,not enough for me to enjoy my happy. Tonight i very happy because we have gathering!!!
No choice have to action now...during the time fetch my friends quite long...wait wait wait=_=, and still in busy hour...many cars make traffic jam. After i reach the Chatz Room meet the Jeronn, I feel i have the mood to talking and long time see my friends feel very exciting. But don't know why i can't sense other friends have the same mood with me...no enthusiasm at all, just Zeo,Andrew and Jeronn...and me very high already.
After take the dinner, we choose to go WangsaWalk for "berlepak-lepak" because no one agree karaoke @_@ mabey there SUX~We choose Bowling....well....no slot for us....choose children playground again=_=....play same thing....Basketball Shooter Machine....158pts...not bad la ^^ break my old record 123 already...
At11.00pm all have already go home, hmm......i feel the time we together was very short,not enough for me to enjoy my happy. Tonight i very happy because we have gathering!!!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
PLKN Kem De Bana S1/K6/09 - Gathering
This is the first time that i try to organize an event for gathering, I feel very strange to held the event and I am introversion boy, not sporting at all and shy. My sister call me try to organize because long time no together after PLKN all no contact to each other. Then, I try to become the creator and invite my Charlie group members.
Date : 1 MAY 2010
Date : 1 MAY 2010
Time : 11.30am - 4.00pm
Venue : Timesquare 5th floor Ampang Superbowl
This morning after I have the breakfast with father, I drive the car and go to WangsaMaju take LRT go to DangWangi, then change to Monorail from BukitNanas to Imbi. This also is my first time I alone go to the Timesquare, I feel very weird and interesting. At 11.40am I reach the Ampang Superbowl, but didn't see anyone at there. It is because my sister change to food court. After i heard, I feel a bit anger for that because suddenly change to 10th floor food court no inform to me. I thought at the food court the members who attend are very less and less, about 5-6 people but I was wrong. The people attend include me have 7 people but still have 2 people are coming. Wow! sound interesting, It is a big numbers to me, because most of members are from outstation like Johor, so that they are unable to attend the gathering. Got 1 Malay member reach but she are not attending the gathering. Once we all gather at the food court we go to 欢喜地 to have our lunch. During eating, 1 more Malay boy member is attending the gathering. We talk about the time when PLKN and gossip, I can't join to their conversation because at the camp I not sporting at all, feel sad T_T and bore @_@.
Around 2.30pm we going to plan for entertainment, we was thinking go to where...
Karaoke cannot!! Got Malay boy...although got the slot also cannot go sing.
Watch movie...sorry friend, many customers crowded in the line waiting for ticket.
Bowling...sorry brother...full also
So what choice!? go for 打机场 and "berlepak-lepak" at there.
Karaoke cannot!! Got Malay boy...although got the slot also cannot go sing.
Watch movie...sorry friend, many customers crowded in the line waiting for ticket.
Bowling...sorry brother...full also
So what choice!? go for 打机场 and "berlepak-lepak" at there.
At there play until 4.00pm...walao I also feel boring and tired because there are noisy and not suitable for us stay at there. The event I set end at 4.00pm so some of the member already going to back =(, sad~ sob sob T_T, I not yet exhausted for my exciting and playful mood. Luckily still left 2 boys 3 girls, Me,Malay and the girls. We follow the girls go shopping, pass few min the Malay boy are leaving already,left me one boy stay there but I decide stay with them, because still have my sister at there, haha...I want to know more about her,like that shopping here and there, around 6.00 we are going back too but outside raining heavily so we have no choice and stay there 喝茶, we go to Gasoline to have our tea, the environment in the restaurant not bad...can feel the stone age generation because we seem are seating in the caves. 8.00pm we are leaving, we all are same take the monorail to back but different station.
Today is quite fun although boys are lesser until 1 boy 3 girls stay there.Don't know why I feel very happy and energy during shopping with them, mabey have someone also with us therefore I feel so happy.
Keke, I am waiting and exciting for 8 MAY 2010 too, enjoy ya (^_<)
Today is quite fun although boys are lesser until 1 boy 3 girls stay there.Don't know why I feel very happy and energy during shopping with them, mabey have someone also with us therefore I feel so happy.
Keke, I am waiting and exciting for 8 MAY 2010 too, enjoy ya (^_<)
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